Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Author's Note:I wrote this on the theme of Tom Sawyer enjoying his youth.

Sometimes, I think that kids take for granted being young and blow it off.  But, adults may miss being young and innocent, being able to make mistakes and correct it without the consciences in the world of reality.  So, adults always are telling you memories of their childhood.  Their minds are filled with memories of their distant past disappearing and wearing away as the reality of adulthood creeps into their life.  They tell you stories of their past friends and want to be in your life to relive the life of a child.  As they tell you the stories or think of the past, there is a distant look in their eyes reflecting back on you giving you a glimpse of what adults are really thinking.  Shouldn’t we enjoy not having the responsibilities of an adult when we still have the opportunity to be able to make mistakes in a friendly environment and figure out the world?  Tom Sawyer appreciates being young in the story, being a pirate, playing and figuring things out for himself with some guidance still.  He knows that his time of being of kid is running out, the timer of childhood is running out catching up going faster.  Knowing this in his heart, he lives up to being one for as long as he possibly can.Tom Sawyer is still a kid, but thinks that he has the freedom to do whatever he pleases, which is true.  Yet, if he does something horrible, he may get a small punishment or slip out of its clutches.
Tom Sawyer definitely acts like a kid.  He doesn’t try to act older or definitely more mature than his age.  When he beat up the wealthy stuck up boy that was bothering him, he didn’t think of the consequences he would receive if he was an adult.  If he was older and had responsibilities of acting mature, he would have to deal with the police or even worse.  As a young boy he can grasp what is right and wrong to figure out what he should do in the real world.
Of course Tom Sawyer, being a normal child, likes some girls.  Amy Lawrence, was his first crush in the book.  Then, he sees blond Becky Thatcher and since he is a kid and doesn’t have a true commitment to one person, he “breaks” Amy’s heart and flirts with Becky.  Since, again he is a child he has the freedom to be able to make mistakes with relationships like that and not ruin his life if he was truly married.
Tom also as a child has the gift of imagination.  With his friends he escapes to the world of pirates or even Robin Hood.  Almost every adult has to be contained in the lifeless world of work.  They always have to be doing something that is worth the time and take all the extra time they can to relax.  As they grew up, their imagination grew weary, weakening in their brains.  They don’t play robbers or escape to their dream world during play.  Adults don’t have that luxury.  Children of course do.  Why don’t they use it when they can?  They just want to grow up too fast.
Tom Sawyer is a boy that likes to have fun and embraces his youth.  He doesn’t try to act like he is an adult, either.  Why would he?  Throughout the book he tries different things and figures out how to act and what to do in the real world.  He is in the perfect environment of friends and family to experiment in.  How could he not take that chance and grasp it? Childhood is the shortest part of your life, after all.   So don’t blow of the blessed gift of youth like some people did and they regretted it.

1 comment:

  1. That is wicked awesome but where is your thesis and how are your body paragraphs organized?
    I really like your vocabulary choice and truly you sounded like a college professor which is kinda why I got bored halfway through but still you did a great job and i luved the hourglass metaphor.
