Thursday, May 19, 2011


Author's Note:  This is a piece about how some people’s words can really affect how you feel.  Their words can really bring you down so you feel certain things about yourself that aren’t true.

I feel like I'm flying in the stars
I'm as light as air
The wind passing by me
I feel free and limitless
Those days you don't bring me down

With your words you drag me down
Throwing me off balance
I am plummeting out of the sky
Faster and faster I fall
I try to bring myself up

Some days I just can’t
I don’t have the strength
I don’t have the will
Nothing I can do to stop it

You’ll just bring me down once again


  1. This is very good Meg. The poem really expresses your true feelings.

  2. I like how you started out flying higher in the sky, and then you were falling faster and faster. You should center this poem, though.

  3. I really like this poem. It's so descriptive, and it truly captures the emotion. You're a very strong poet. Keep writing stuff like this. Please! <3
