Chapter twenty-seven is one of my favorite chapters because that is when Huck and Tom are in the creepy haunted house looking for treasure. Wouldn’t anyone love to find treasure? When the two boys go to the haunted house they don’t just find gold, but Injun Joe! I mean what boy wouldn’t be amazed to have found a treasure, but also two men convicted of murder? This is a great discovery for the boys to have found the two men, but they are dangerous and violent so they hide under a bed. With their hearts pounding, in suspense and hoping not to be discovered, the two men reveal their plan of hiding their stolen newly found treasure. The boys know this is serious, but they excited to be “real pirates” in a racing battle for treasure.
This chapter is a bit Tragic because the treasure is lost to the criminals. Yet, I think that it’s romantic because every kid at least dreams once about helping to find a criminal, find treasure or do something important or amazing like that. The boys are wild about finding this treasure and getting back the treasure, which is what every kid would want to do. As the story unravels itself a few of the modes are mixed in unexpectedly in different ways. It is a strong, interesting chapter that unfolds and completes some questions and answers making the book unravel and continue in an unexpected way.
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