Monday, May 9, 2011


Author's note:  This is just a fictional piece about how I was looking around at the beautiful landscape around me.  Also,  to just let my mind escape to think about all the new things happening and to relax.  Hope you like it and please comment!
The hot sun and humid air left my skim feeling warm to the touch
Late summer winds picked up the grass around me
The wind picked up and brushed over me like silk
It spun through the hot air around me
It seemed as if  it was dancing for me

Flowers were still in bloom around me in vibrant shades
A few cedar trees were planted carefully in the yard lining the sidewalk
I felt the newly wet dirt between my fingers
The fresh smell of grass filled my nose

My life and surroundings seemed to melt away as I layed down in the grass
As I closed my eyes,
the world darkened
I was left to think and grasp everything that was happening
This was the first time in a while I had nothing on my mind to do
Nothing had to be accomplished at the moment

I felt at ease with everything now
Everything was fine
I would just let my mind wander
By laying here in the sun


  1. I love how it is so peaceful and quiet Like sometimes when I know that I am in big troubke I like to just lay down outside and pretend like nothing is going to happen. It really does work. Did you write this piece from a stream of consciousness?

  2. This is a really nice poem in the way it reflects the topic. The word choice is especially strong, conveying the emotional range you want to evoke. The last stanza seemed a little out of place due to the construction being so different, and I was wondering why you did that. Is there a purpose there?
