Thursday, May 19, 2011

I See What You Don't Want To

Author's note: This was inspired by the book “A Mango Shaped Space”.  I have never read it, but I know that a girl has Synesthesia and she sees differently than everyone else.  This piece is about how a person feels like no one feels or sees the world as they do. Everyone thinks they are different or even nuts just because they see things in a different perspective than they do.

You see clouds in the sky
I see free souls with personalities and stories
You may see a gray sky
I can see a rainbow
You see the sun
I see a new start
You see a broken heart
I see how to fix it
 You see the tears streaking down their face
I see an emotion
You see a flaw
I see their talents

You only see a streak of paint
I see the start of a masterpiece

You see what it appears to be
I see what it really is
I dig deeper than you do
You only cut at the edges and just peer at it

The world is to be explored of its ideas
Mysteries and wonders can be uncovered
If you see differently


Author's Note:  This is a piece about how some people’s words can really affect how you feel.  Their words can really bring you down so you feel certain things about yourself that aren’t true.

I feel like I'm flying in the stars
I'm as light as air
The wind passing by me
I feel free and limitless
Those days you don't bring me down

With your words you drag me down
Throwing me off balance
I am plummeting out of the sky
Faster and faster I fall
I try to bring myself up

Some days I just can’t
I don’t have the strength
I don’t have the will
Nothing I can do to stop it

You’ll just bring me down once again

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Author's note:  This is a piece about how summer is almost here and how everyone is looking forward to it.  We wait for summer as we look at the snow and go through spring.  When it gets to the end of the year (like right now) everyone starts thinking about summer. 

It was that time of year; it was almost summer vacation.   Everyone was restless to get out of the cold, sterile school as they stared dreamily out the windows at the snow through the winter.  Slowly the snow started to disappear and you could see patches of dead, light brown grass.  The trees started to sprout flowers and everything regained it color.  The weather got warmer and warmer by the day. 

The people turned from being stiff and tired in the cold weather, to being lively and talkative in the morning.  At the end of the year there was just more energy.  People laughed more and everything was brighter for longer. 

Days passed by like hours in that building.  Everything was a blur at the end of the year.  It was almost like I didn't remember anything at the end.

Before I knew it, it was the last day of school.  The short hours ticked by as we said some goodbyes and made plans for the summer.  Teachers tried to control us to make their end of the year speeches.  Everyone was anticipating the ringing of the bell to unleash them into their break. 

Chaos broke as we heard the one sound we were longing for. Screams erupted through the crowd as we took the last things in our locker and took off in our separate ways with friends.  Finally, we were free.  Summer was here at last.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Author's note:  This is just a fictional piece about how I was looking around at the beautiful landscape around me.  Also,  to just let my mind escape to think about all the new things happening and to relax.  Hope you like it and please comment!
The hot sun and humid air left my skim feeling warm to the touch
Late summer winds picked up the grass around me
The wind picked up and brushed over me like silk
It spun through the hot air around me
It seemed as if  it was dancing for me

Flowers were still in bloom around me in vibrant shades
A few cedar trees were planted carefully in the yard lining the sidewalk
I felt the newly wet dirt between my fingers
The fresh smell of grass filled my nose

My life and surroundings seemed to melt away as I layed down in the grass
As I closed my eyes,
the world darkened
I was left to think and grasp everything that was happening
This was the first time in a while I had nothing on my mind to do
Nothing had to be accomplished at the moment

I felt at ease with everything now
Everything was fine
I would just let my mind wander
By laying here in the sun

The Hundreth Dove

Author's note: This is my piece on "The Hundredth Dove" District Assessment.   In this piece  I tell about the dove Lady Columbia and the symbolism behind the dove.

This piece was so powerful and had a greater meaning beyond what it appeared, such as Lady Columbia.  The Lady Columbia is a tempting procession that the hunter had planted in his weak little heart. She seems as a striking human on the outside, but nothing is as it seems.  Nothing is what anyone thinks.  The hunter seems like he would do anything to please the King and his Lady.  Nothing turned out as I thought it would.  Every word wasn’t what I expected at all or why something was used.   Altogether these pieces of the story, made something much darker with a meaning to it.
The Lady Columbia is not a normal human being, and not a dove.  She is a quiet creature with dark eyes and shadowed secrets.  In the beginning she seems human, but isn’t natural.  A dove is a natural thing, but she isn’t just a dove.  This woman holds many secrets that were never revealed to us.   On the outside she may seem beautiful and human, but really she isn’t natural or beautiful inside at all.
A dove is a quiet, peaceful creature that holds many secrets in this piece and in this world.  They are messengers that bring people warnings and signs of piece.  This woman was a messenger to deliver a test to the hunter.  He was prompted to bring doves to their wedding and was trying to catch a single white pigeon.  She was a temptation brought to him, to test his character.  More than that, she was sent to see how he could control his wants in life.  He wanted to serve his master, while she wanted to sedate him and trick him.  She was crafted in this field, but was outwitted by his good character.   In the beginning she may seem peaceful, but this woman is secretive and quiet in a dangerous way.
Everything may seem normal at first, until, you uncover your eyes to see the truth.  This piece was just a story about a woman, a king and a Fowler.  You think that until you see what Lady Columbia and the other characters are.  She seems beautiful and elegant on the outside as a stunning human.  Lady Columbia takes the form as a dove and you see she is secretive and maybe even wicked.  Nothing just had a simple meaning in this story or even a single identity.  Everything was abnormal, dark and had its own complex meanings alone.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Author's note:  This piece is about life.  The dark tunnel is all the things you have yet to discover about yourself.  In life you look into it and don't know what to do or who you are.  It seems dark, but you soon go in and try new things.  You may get lost or even fail, like in the tunnel.  In the end, you will get to the end of the tunnel and figure out who you are and things about yourself. 

I step into the tunnel and look into it
The tunnel is dark in front of me
I know that there is light at the end
It will be a painful journey to get to the end

Good things come to those who wait they say
I just want to get to the end
I stumble and fall on the way trying to go too quickly

Soon I get caught in the middle of the dark tunnel and don't know where to go
I need help
I need someone to guide me
 I think I am alone
I think I am lost

Idon't know how to get back
To get to the light
Who do I turn to?
In this dark tunnel?
What do I do?
How do I cope?
Do I give up?

I will do my best and get to the end
I will figure out the way
In the end I will discover it
I will take small steps back and get lost again
But I know for sure
I will reach the end

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Beginning

Author's note: This piece is about how I feel right now.  One day it is warm and I could wear shorts.  The next day I had to wear jeans and a sweatshirt.  In Wisconsin one day it is warm and it feels like Spring, then you wake up and it's snowing!  This just tells about what I feel and what is kind of happening right now.  

Everything was growing and producing
Spring was coming
Everything was turning from the gray dead colors into beautiful true colors
Winter has died
 The colors of spring were ready to show

I watched the black ominous sky of winter form and change
 Through the dead months every day the colors were grey and black
 Then turned to greens and blues
They turned brighter and brighter every day
It seemed as if the world had a light turned on and everything was clearer now

Through the window I saw the flowers planted the day before
They were pink roses all lined up in rows
It looked like a delicate painting
It took my breath away

The next day I looked outside
I saw that the world was covered in a thin white blanket
My flowers were dead
The sky was dark
When would Spring be back?