Monday, May 7, 2012

Within That Moment

Author's note:  This piece is a prediction about how the couple in The Bridges of Madison Country will feel towards each other.  Obviously a love story, the couple feels like they could be together forever.  But, the woman can't because she is unhappily married to another man.  They would want to grow old together, and live a happy fairy tale.  I based this piece off of Nicholas Sparks and the outcomes of that.  Not exactly death, but a symbolic death of unhappiness.


You lift me off  the ground



You lift my soul

Out of the rut
Into the sun

My head touches the rays
Reigning down from the sun.

Heating the very essence
Of myself.

You bring out the best
Of me.
In every single way.

Taking out my flaws..
Turning into life.

I lock away the treasured moments
We share.

To save for a rainy day.
A lonely hour
When I'm missing you.

When I first met you.
When I first saw you.

I saw everything
Within that moment.

Our dates.
Our wedding.

Your love.
My smile.

I was trapped in a dark moment
Screaming for a soul

To save me.

And that was

I can see my life.

Of happiness
 Within your arms

Now I know.

'Til death will our hearts part.
Our secret vows are eternal.

We can share love.
Through our golden years.

As we remember
Our youthful splendor

Out there
In the sun.

Dance with me
Dance with me

Up to this day
You capture my heart.

Lifting my feet.
Off the ground.

Making me feel.


Our hearts…
Connect over many miles

Over mountains.
Over seas.

I will fight

To see your face.

Only a faded memory
From my broken past.

I will hold your face in my heart.

Until death…
Will our hearts part.

My love…..


  1. This is way cool! I think that this is very creative, but, hate to say it, but I don't think that it would score very well. You should add a paragraph comparing it to another book, or reasoning as to why you think that this will happen. Otherwise, the poem is great, it made me think, but you might want to consider adding that extra paragraph. I think that it was part of the assignment.

    1. Thanks Sara for the feedback. I know I have to add the extra part. I will make this poem into a small piece including the other parts. Thanks. (:
