Author’s note: This piece is from the point of view of Peter. Peter is the boyfriend of the main character’s (Melinda’s) mom in the story. In this part of the book he is working at the hospital trying to treat all of these people. They don’t have a lot of parts of the book with Peter in it, so I thought this would be interesting.
December 28
The hospital is filled with frantic people. There are people are everywhere screaming, crying and praying for their loved ones souls and also for there’s to be spared.
People come into the hospital constantly with their beloved family and friends begging us to heal them. Our job isn’t to heal them anymore; we soothe their pain before they die weakened of disease and famine.
Instead of helping them, we have to just give them medicine. All of us beg and pray that it will work.
They are so many bodies everywhere. Even though we dispose of them, or try to, it smells of a mortuary. There is a cryptic feel in the hospital. Not the familiar sanitized smell wafting through the air or the adrenaline coursing through my veins waiting to help people. There is nothing. No hope, no will and no anticipation that the sun will rise. Many will die in this hospital, and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it.
The only thing that we can give the suffering people is fluids and Tylenol. Normally people can work the flu easily out of their system. These are not normal circumstances though.
The families’ usually ask if their beloved will be alright. I want to just smile and embrace them saying,” It will be alright. They will be okay.” I don’t think that this will benefit them, but it will for me. I will know I did my job right. That I will know that while doing what I do best, that’s when I will fall. I just hope that this will be the place and the time that I pass on. One thing that I hope before I die is that someone will remember me, or be thankful for me. If only there would be anyone left to remember me and what I tried to accomplish here during this apocalyptic time. Of course I don’t want many to remember me, just one person that was glad that they had me when they could.
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