The squeaky rusted ride slowly stopped to a halt. Getting off I felt dizzy and got off the gray walkway down to the concrete ground. My best friend hobbled over to me to discuss the next ride we were going to go on.
"Let's go on that!" I exclaimed pointing up to the giant drop ride.
"Ok, " She sighed a little nervously and walked over to the long line twisting around the fences to the ride. There we sat for a while impatiently leaning up against the rusting peeling paint of the ancient poles holding up the fence from collapsing. All of a sudden I heard screaming. Looking around I spotted that the car to the drop ride was stuck up on top, not coming down. My friend looked at it wide eyed and staring at the people's dangling limbs off the ride. People started to part from the line frightened and amazed that the people were stuck on top of the ride. Without a word we departed from the line side by side still shocked.
"Those poor people..." I muttered as we came across a bright sign. Inscribed in the sign, it only said V2 on it.
"OMG that sounds like fun!!!! " my friend screamed.
"Wow that does look awesome!! " I yelled. Talking we went up to the line and waited forever to get to the front. Finally we were second in line. Excited we waited until the cars came for the people in front of me. Mumbling my friend nudged me.
"WHAT? " I asked because it was so loud I couldn't even hear her when she was standing right beside me. Then she pointed her finger at the line next to us for the other cars in the ride. A kid that looked to be about a fifth grader was standing there hunched down and looked like he was spraying a water bottle through the gates. But what I soon realized was that it wasn't water!! Some workers just stood there and looked at him with eyes filled with disgust and just disbelief. The station went quiet wondering what was happening. Some other workers came and quickly tossed some nasty yellow powder at the ground and had the others scoop it up cleaning up the mess. Everybody was shocked and didn't even know what to say.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! THEY ARE SHUTTING DOWN THE RIDE!" my friend angrily cried.
"Why are they shutting it down??" I cried.
"It is a bio-hazard so they have to shut it down for like twenty minutes, " she sadly answered.
"Aww...well we can wait, " I sighed.
There we stood for twenty minutes waiting to finally go on the ride.
"THIS IS TAKING FOREVERRR!!! " She exclaimed leaning up against the bars of the gate.
"THE RIDE IS CURRENTLY UP AND RUNNING. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME." the speakers crackled down to us. The crowd sighed, shifted around,chattering and cheering. Clanking the ride stopped in front of us. Silently the gates opened up releasing the people at last and had them hurrying to get on. Both of us go into the seats and pulled the metal harnesses over us. But neither of us were prepared for what was about to happen. We were pulled forward having gravity taking over and pressing us up. Then giving in and bringing us back down to the ground and pulling us up once again. After a few more times we halted to a stop at the station.
"WOW that was awesome!!" we both smiled.
"But freaky in a way."my friend pointed out as she steadied herself on a post.
"I want to go again!" I cheered.
"The line is so long..." she answered looking at the long curling line.
"Yeah.. maybe we can go on that?" I questioned pointing to another.
"OK!" she laughed as we got into another line waiting for what was next.