Thursday, April 26, 2012

Why: Essay

Author's note:  This is an essay that I wrote that goes off of my Why poem.  This essay is actually from parts of my author's note.  I just thought that because I actually worked really hard to write the author's note of my poem, I could turn it into my District Assessment essay.  

All around the world, in Third World countries, millions of people live in poverty.  Many are homeless or live in unbearable conditions with no clean water and little or no food.  Every day to help pay for necessities, they have to work for 16 plus hours in a sweatshop.  You may think that these people don't affect me.  They’re far away and I shouldn’t care.  That is the very opposite.  Look down at what you are wearing…Hollister jeans?  American eagle shirt? Minnetonka Moccasins? Nike shoes? Forever 21 necklace?  Adidas socks?  Pretty much everything you are wearing this very minute was made in China, Indonesia or in some other country.  Everything was most likely made in a sweatshop by the hands of a man, woman or even a young child.

Yet, sweatshops aren't just confined to clothes.  Furniture, toys, school supplies, phones, ipods, computers and other products you use in your everyday lives were made by poverty-bound people across the sea.  Also, you may think, “What is so bad about a sweatshop?  It's just like a factory, right?"   That’s exactly what I used to think, but sweatshops are gigantic buildings stuffed with hundreds and hundreds of workers.  This means no heat if it’s freezing, no air conditioning and most definitely no talking for hours on end. You can't even stop to take a drink of water or to have a snack. After all this hard labor they get paid very little to help support their family with what they need.  A lot of time they have to go without food to pay for medicine or other things they need.  If you think you're a victim because you have to wait twenty minutes for food, you need a reality check.  These people suffer for hours on end with little reward and no escape.

America was built upon the beliefs that everyone is equal before God.  How is this equal in people's eyes?  Children, men and women all over the world are suffering in poverty, and working in sweat shops just to give America's companies cheap labor.  What can we do about this?  How can we help stop child labor across seas?  They say one person can make a difference.  But how does one change the ways of America's oversea businesses?  I want to make a difference, but this issue feels way over my head.  I just feel as if we can do something, by educating people of how these people are being treated.  Just because of what we have done to let this happen to these people.

These people need to be heard.  Their stories need to be told, and their lives need to be shared.  All of their cries and pleading need to be taken into action.  We all need to act together and save this poverty bound generation of people.  The future of an entire people depends on this.  Next time you go to the store for clothes, or complain about your little troubles; think about the sweatshops.  Think about what they go through and the awful conditions.  WHY should they go through this?  WHY aren’t we acting on this?  WHY.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Author's note: Right now, in social studies we are studying child labor.  For an assignment we had to write a poem or piece expressing thoughts about the sweat shops.  Here in my back story I will tell of the torturous conditions these people live through.  Please read this.  It will only take you a minute of your time to learn about what is happening in foreign countries with sweatshops.

All around the world, in Third World countries, millions of people live in poverty.  Many are homeless or live in awful conditions with little clean water and little or no food.  Every day to help pay for necessities, they have to work for 16 plus hours in a sweatshop.  You may think, these people don't affect me.  That is the very opposite.  

Look down at what you are wearing. Hollister jeans?  American eagle shirt? Moccasins? Nike shoes? Bracelets?  Socks?  Pretty much everything you are wearing was made in China, Indonesia or somewhere else.  Most likely made in a sweatshop.  
But, the sweatshops aren't just confined to clothes.  Furniture, toys, school supplies, phones, ipods, computers and things you use in your everyday lives were made by a poverty bound person across the sea.  Also, you may think,"What is so bad about a sweatshop?  It's just where people may products, right?"  Sweatshops are ginormous buildings stuffed with hundreds and hundreds of workers.  No heat, no air conditioning and most definitely no talking for hours on end.  You can't even stop to take a drink of water or to have a snack.  If you think you're a victim because you have to wait twenty minutes for food, you need a reality check.  

 America was built upon the beliefs that everyone is equal before God.  How is this equal in people's eyes?  Children, men and women all over the world are suffering in poverty, and working in sweat shops just to give America's companies cheap labor.  What can we do about this?  How can we help stop child labor across seas?  They say one person can make a difference.  But how does one change the ways of America's oversea businesses?  I want to make a difference, but this issue feels way over my head.  I just feel as if we can do educating people of how these people are being treated..because of what we have done to let this happen.




Can’t you?
Hear our voices?
 Hear our cries



Back to our ears

Why must you ignore us?


Down to the ground

Torn tears
Frayed soul

Crystal drops falling

Misty eyes

Looking up..
Sorrowful eyes
Hopeless dreams

Across the ocean
 Our voices carry


For an escape

To spread our wings

Flowing out…
Flying to freedom

From this darkness
To the clouds.

For our lives.

Pleading eyes

Why must you not listen?

To our story..

Write us a new chapter..

Clean the glass…
On our perspective

To have a glimpse

To the sun
 To feel…

The sensation of
Sunshine’s rays

Down on us

Dark sky

As our eyes..

The sun has fallen

We drift away

As a generation
To the world.

In the morning



A bloody sun

Blinding rose..

The loss in the night
The fight of our minds.

The bloodshed of our generation.

Save us another day.






Friday, April 20, 2012



Streaking down
Down the pane

Water droplets form on the window


Waving down the glass.

I touch one

On my finger

A crystal droplet

The rain
Breaks me down

They keep coming.

The sky is weeping
For the loss of day

The night is rising
The day is falling..

Go away
Come again some other day

That’s what they say

What doesn’t kill you
You end up
Being stronger
Standing longer.

Don’t let the droplets
Break you down.

Through these windows.
I sit.

Protected by the glass.
Protected by the droplets.

A flash of lighting
Halts the night.

Awestruck wonder
Awestruck power.

Such a force.

Lights up my world
Making everything visible

Nothing hides
Amongst the rain



Hides no secrets

Yet I hide
Myself behind

Windows tell the tale

Of another life

Another day
Another hour

I have made

Spending my days

Hiding behind the visible glass

It hides no secrets

Crystal rain


Break down my soul.




Thursday, April 5, 2012

Be Beautiful You

Just listen to the things that are.
Lovely and true.
Don’t believe the lies that you are told.

You are beautiful.
You are strong.
You are fearless.
You are courageous.

No one can tell you otherwise.
Don’t let people define your world
Or even you.

Don’t put yourself down

You may be no beauty queen
You may not be a model
You are just beautiful you

Even though we all fight it

We were made the way we are
Nothing is out of place

You are talented
And have much to show the world

Show your true colors
Through what you do

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Use that

Show your colors
Show your beauty

Confess your flaws

Laugh a lot

Fall in love.
Mess up a lot.

Dance like no one is looking

Be crazy.
Don’t hold back.

Sing for the world.
They want to hear your voice.

Love the body you have
Don’t become what you’re not

Say what needs to be said.
Be a new voice.

Express your feelings.

Cry for your loss.
Cry for true happiness.

Enjoy what you have
When you have it

They say
What doesn’t kill you
Will make you stronger

Stand tall

Stand with confidence

Even though they may
Knock you down
Push you
When you are least expecting it

Come back up again

Live a beautiful life
Be beautiful you.

No one is holding you back

Be beautiful you.